

欢迎回来! Call 413-585-2800 to reach us. 24/7 nurse advice and mental health support is available. 

All services are free of charge (except labs and prescriptions), including our mental health telehealth service, 我的SSP.

One Schacht Center = You can reach our counseling, medical and wellness teams by calling 413-585-2800.

For questions about COVID-19, please email COVIDCare@craftsplusart.com.

注册: counselingservices@craftsplusart.com,
or call us at 413-585-2800

Groups begin the week of February 5th unless otherwise noted.
All groups meet at the Schacht Center unless otherwise noted.
Check in with the front desk when you arrive.


Healing from Disordered Eating w/ Greenlee Brown, LCSW & Hunter Freye, Clinical Intern
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.


Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) Student Support Group w/Noah Cochran, LICSW
4:15 - 5:10 p.m.

ADHD Mega Work Sesh: For completing homework & 建筑技能 (w/Elena Volpe, LICSW
6 - 8 p.m.
**Every other week beginning February 27th Meeting dates: Feb 27, 3月3日, 3月26日, 4月9日, 及四月二十三日


Neurodivergent支持 w/ Cyril Slemaker, Clinical Intern
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.


DBT技能小组 APRN-BC新闻,苏珊·里斯报道 & 列夫·费恩,临床实习生
12:15 - 1:10 p.m.

SMART: Stress Management and Resilience Training w/ Callie Avis. FNP-C
4 - 5:30 p.m.
* 2月20日开始 & 持续8周. 学生 are expected to attend all 8 sessions and can email Callie at cavis@craftsplusart.com to learn more and register.


悲伤的支持 w/ Meg Laird, LICSW
12:15 - 1:10 p.m.

我的SSP is now Telus 健康

接下来的几个月, 我的SSP will be rebranding as telus health. 免费的, on-demand mental health support is available to all Smith students - under研究生, 研究生, and even students studying abroad. The service provides chat and phone support 24/7 and can support students to connect with a regular therapist. 服务 are available via the 我的SSP phone app, their 网站, or by calling the Schacht Center after hours. 接下来的几个月, the name of the application, 网站, and phone number may change, so please check our page for updates. 


The Counseling Service is a 免费保密 service available to all students. Our commitment is to provide mental health care that is:

  • 关系的基础
  • 文化的反应
  • 身份确认
  • 公平包容
  • 个性化的 

The Counseling Service strives to promote inclusive and socially-just clinical services that honor the specific strengths and needs of the full range of diverse identities represented within the 澳门葡京博彩软件 campus community. The Counseling Service recognizes that systematic and institutionalized factors such as racism/white supremacy, 阶级歧视、贫困, 残疾歧视, 性消极, fatphobia, heteronormativity, and cisnormativity continue to exist both on- and off-campus and these forces have a negative impact on the emotional health of our campus community. Our services work to attend to and recognize the harm caused by these factors.

Care is masked and in-person at the Schacht Center, but teleheath appointments with our therapists are available at the student’s request.

How to Get Help/Schedule an Appointment

  • Schedule appointments by calling 413-585-2800. 我们的办公时间是上午9点.m.–4:30 p.m. 在工作日.
  • SOME appointments are available online through the 病人门户


  • After hours support is available 24/7 by our phone number: 413-585-2800
  • The Telus 健康 app (formerly 我的SSP) has on demand chat and call support, accessible by their phone app or their 网站


  • 评估
  • 危机干预
  • 个人的治疗
  • a variety of ever-changing groups (affinity and special interest)
  • 精神病学评估
  • psychiatric medication treatment 
  • 校外推荐
  • 宣传
  • trans-affirming documentation
  • identity-affirming保健
  • 教育研讨会 & 外展
  • 一些案例管理
  • consultation with campus community partners


The 澳门葡京博彩软件 Counseling Service (SCCS) offers 阿兰健康 to all enrolled under研究生 and 研究生 students (including students studying abroad), no matter the student’s location. 阿兰健康 is a supplemental service not provided by 澳门葡京博彩软件 staff that administers immediate and ongoing 24-hour support at no cost to students, regardless of their health insurance provider. 透过阿兰健康,您可以:

  • Call or text with a licensed therapist directly from your cell phone from any location for immediate support.
  • Schedule ongoing support by appointment, available through phone or secure video portal.
  • Request support in over 150 languages.
  • Receive a referral for Nurx, a supplemental psychiatric medication provider telehealth service, from a SCCS or 阿兰健康 therapist or from a 澳门葡京博彩软件 健康 服务 prescriber.
  • Gain access to a range of online, self-directed wellness and fitness materials.

学生 can access 阿兰健康 with a phone or computer by:

  • Download the free 阿兰健康 App through the Apple App store or Google Play; select 澳门葡京博彩软件 when prompted.
  • 参观 TELUS健康网站.

联系 咨询服务

Schacht Center for 健康 and 健康



北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2800 电子邮件: counselingservices@craftsplusart.com


9 a.m.–4:30 p.m., 
